Κυριακή Γονή 


  • ΒΑ Drawing, Sculpture, Athens School of Fine Arts 
  • Ma Digital Arts, Athens School of Fine Arts
  • BA Social Anthropology, Panteion University 
  • MSc Cultural Anthropology & Development Sociology, Leiden University

Kyriaki Goni is a media artist based in Athens. Employing a variety of media, her practice explores the political, affective and environmental aspects of technology. She focuses on extractivism, surveillance, human and other than human relations, distributed networks and infrastructures. Manifesting through websites, drawing, videos, sound, and text, her installations build alternative ecosystems and shared experiences by connecting the local with the planetary, the fictional with the scientific. 

Recent solo shows were presented at SixtyEight Art Institute, Copenhagen; Kunstverein Ost, Berlin; Onassis Cultural Centre, Athens; Aksioma, Ljibjana; Drugo More, Rijeka. Recent group shows include 8th Gherdeina Biennale,2nd Warsaw Biennale,13th Shanghai Biennale, Ars Electronica2021, PhotoBiennale2021, Modern Love (or the Love in the Age of Cold Intimacies), Transmediale2020, etc.  
She has received several prizes and fellowships, ArtScience Residency 2021 Ars Electronica & Art Collection Deutsche Telekom, The New New 2021 (Allianz Kulturstiftung, Bertelmann Stiftung), INSPIRE2020, SNF ARTWORKS2018. She is a Delfina Foundation alumna (2019). Her work is part of private and institutional collections.  
